Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hash Trash, January 2009

Today was the VIRGIN HASH of The Virgin Hash House Harriers of the East Valley! It was a short hash (approx. 2.5 miles) to acquaint everyone with hashing, as all were virgins except for me (I hared).

Virgins arrived at Simonton Elementary around 9:30 a.m. for the On Before where they were briefed on hashing in general and this hash in particular. They were schooled on hash marks, why everyone's called "Just (name)" and then set out to find flour.

Just April spotted flour across the street and the barking pack headed west on Castlegate Blvd.

After about a quarter mile, the trail veered off north and Just Tiff and Just Rachele innocently followed. I trailed behind giggling, since I Hared and knew it was a false trail. I hung back with Just Ande, who was hashing with stroller, which I know is HARD! The front-running pups reached the end of the line and stomped their paws in defiance. Retreating back to the last flour, they began the search for the trail.

Just April found it due west, let out an On! On!, Just Zane suonded the trumpet and the chase resumed. Just Ande waited trail-side for hubby to pick up one of her pups before the trail headed north through mild shiggy in the form of a water retention area and up through river rock.

The trail made a quick eastward jaunt, then back north. The pack held together nicely while Just Allie hashed it 80's style, unicorn, legwarmers and all.

Up the street and around the bend, west then north again the trail snaked, soon to dive back down into another retention area. Soon a hash mark was found that read, "H2O," signaling a water break. Hounds split up and sniffed out a bounty of water bottles hidden in rosemary bushes. While hounds lapped up moisture, Just Ande caught up from rendezvuing with hubby.

The trail then picked up on Schnepf Road and headed north across Ocotillo and onto private desert land--the shiggiest of our shiggy for this hash--and great (albeit cloudy) views of the Superstition Mountains. Another half mile found another hash mark: PIX, where everyone was required to form up as a group for a kennel picture.

Suddenly, a ginormous gorge appeared from nowhere and Just Kim (who might just have to be known from now on as "Flying Fox" or "Foxy" for short) hurdled that gorge in a single bound!

The trail continued due east a while, then a check mark was found. Hounds yelled, "Checking!" and soon Just Allie and April found the trail through some briary shiggy, across Ocotillo once more, and back into the Castlegate neighborhood. Just Zane sounded the trumpet when an On! On! was called.

Following flour south then west, the kennel found itself in parcel 2, swung south then west once more, plodded along Brae Voe out to Simonton Blvd and another check mark.

Foxy spotted flour with her supersonic vision, half way up Simonton, north toward the northernmost entrance to Parcel 1.
A hairpin turn looped us back south and the trail lead to the On In! at my house where we quenched our virgin thirst with cream soda, root beer, doughnuts and chocolate/peanut butter balls.

A good time was had by all. Just April (who was our FRV or "Front Running Virgin") will be Haring the next Hash!

On! On!

Me (left)--January's Hare, April (right)--next Hare


  1. Hahahaha! LOVE the blog. Sandi!!!! Thanks again. Hashing is FUN!

  2. That was hillarious Sandi!!! Loved the pics. ESPECIALLY the one of Kim soaring over the ginormous gorge. (tee-hee) Thanks for the good time. I have been bragging about it to everyone. It would be fun to get a few more people out next time.

  3. Congratulations on the virgin Virgin trail! I hope I can get up there soon to hash with you, and I'll keep checking your blog for upcoming hashes. I'll let you know when I'm coming.

    I blogged about you guys today, if you're interested. It's at


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